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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Solitary Swimmer

“It isn’t the best time to be walking away from the sport but it’s my time”
- Ian Thorpe
Quitting when you are still ahead is a frightening prospect for an athlete who has only known one world far removed from, well, the real world. Thorpe’s decision has the sporting world in a spin but I admire the guy and wish him all the luck in the world.
From an
article in the Hindu (by
Rohit Brijnath) announcing Thorpe's retirement -
“Few pursuits are as solitary and confining.In practice, there is no mirror like the weightlifter has, no opponent to spar with like the boxer has. There is only the bottom of the pool and a black line as lonely as the swimmer”.
I couldn’t have put it better. Swimming is sweet melancholia and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Anonymous said...

"Swimming is sweet melancholia " - So is Masturbation.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

wait. that wasnt funny

Mellowdrama said...

Sri: Considering you can't hit on the Dubai chicks..hmm..

Anonymous said...

I think Thorpe having to comabt the various health problems might also have been a factor. But quitting when ahead is always good.

Anonymous said...

Rohit Brijnath is one sports columnist whose writing I follow keenly. His style of writing is highly such example is the tribute he pays to Ian.

Ian's remark - "It isn't the best time to be walking away from the sport..But it's my time." - was touching.

- Prabhu. S

Anonymous said...

gud quote...

Mellowdrama said...

#Sanjay: Yeah but apparently he also wants to pursue other interests, trying to find the article online, will link it up...

#Prabhu: Actually first time I have read any of Brijnath's articles - the fact that it was about swimming and Thorpe's retirement is what caught my eye. I love swimming..:)

Dhruv: Totally..

Id it is said...

'sweet melancholia' an unusual juxtaposing yet so poignantly introspective as against 'sweet revenge' which presupposes the existence of an other.
Ian thorpe is indeed a giant figure and somehow this retirement reminds me of Agassi's curtain call from Tennis earlier on this year.

Anonymous said...

I like Brijnath's articles too. He actually makes me like sports--takes it beyond numbers and statistics and makes it very human.
Will look up htis article on the net.

Anonymous said...

I usually dont like forwarding stuff..but this one is worth it..

Canary said...

it takes a lot to quit wen ur at the top, but then yu leave a good taste in everybody's mouth...

Anonymous said...

Hey..merry christmas..and wishing lots of fun and reasons to smile for next year!!