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Monday, May 07, 2007

Exam Fever

Here's the deal. I am lazy when it comes to updates and finally I have a real reason. Exams. For the three of you who visit my blog, am out of commision till the 10th of June after which I promise to be more regular. I sat through 3 minutes of Krish yesterday between Barkha badgering a hapless family (a member had fallen prey to a fake encounter killing) and the Vanzara going-ons. Premeditated planned slaughter is one thing but gunning down somone (even an innocent) in the heat of the moment is something else altogether. A call for policemen NOT to kill is bizarre....can one stay resolute while being peppered by enemy gunfire? Isn't that the same as telling army men posted in sensitive areas to hold their gunfire just in case a shephard is ambling by?

On a happier note, I am floored by BACON'S ESSAYS. They are favourite is OF ENVY. For a guy who was pulled down on corruption charges he has a lot to share on TRUTH..:) I can't quote et verbatim but here goes -"Truth comes at the price of a pearl that showeth best by daylight but doesn't rise to the cost of a carbuncle that showeth best in varied lights". 'A man who lieth is brave before God and a coward towards men".



Anonymous said...

My favourite Bacon (on marriage) goes- "He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried...... "

unfuel the planet said...

best of luck for the exam...
and btw i wonder how u survived even 3 minutes of Krish without any brain damage

Jay Sun said...

All the very best for your sure you will do well :)

Mellowdrama said...

Hi Pegasus, Jaysun
Thanks a tonne:) Lol let's not talk abt Krish..hehe!

Id it is said...

Bacon's essays make for some good reading, and they have some very interesting aphorism s.uch as the ones you've cited.
Good luck on the exams

Anonymous said...

Well, I finally made it to your comments section being nudged by you to do a good deed! I've enjoyed reading a few dozen of your entires. Great stuff. Quite envy your abundant book collection. I had to abandon a large portion of mine in India when I moved, taking only the few, the precious.

Sh'shank said...

I just know one things about the authors of the essays and that one truth is that they were hypocrotes and hence they could write fair accounts of the topics they choose to write on!!!

Jay Sun said...

Surely exams are over by now... :)

Men Who Do Cleavages said...

Is the jury out yet on when might the exam fever subside?
Do try taking an Aspirin to expedite this please.

Lotus Reads said...

The best of luck with your exams, the 10th of June is tomorrow, so hope to see more of you? :)

Mellowdrama said...

Hi All,
Thanks a tonne for the wishes, well it is over and done with:)Am a free bird..bogged down by work..aagh