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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ditzy in Delhi

I wish I was one of those prolific writers brimming with inspiration. Or then, perhaps, the more common species of pathetic blogger who airs out her every grievance. But there you go, here I am – deliciously uninspired and plain lazy.

1. My Delhi stint is proving to be a whole lot more tiring than I bargained for. Been here for just 2 ½ days and I have broadened my horizons by learning -

  1. 2. More than 2 people stumble across my blog and one actually reads it and wants more, thanks Jumping Translocation

3. Jetlite serves food. I joyfully stowed away my apple and bikkis and gratefully embraced the kababs (or whatever it was masquerading as meat)

4. A potential father can develop a sympathetic bulge to match his 8 month pregnant wife's belly.

5. I disappeared off the face of the planet aged three. According to my baby book. Apparently writer's block runs in the family. I have my genes to blame.

6. Discussing marital problems on your blog is 'de rigueur' according to a certain nearly-30 juvenile I have had the misfortune of knowing.

7. Childhood enmities run deep. Jolly and Saks shared a table for the first time in a decade, we have Nirula's hot chocolate sundae (aka HCS) to thank for it. Unfortunately my hands were so clammy fiddling around with the peace pipe I didn’t do justice to the diminutive delight. Preets plowed on - oblivious to the charged atmosphere.

8. Delhi traffic is amazingly beautifully choreographed. It's a visual delight. Try driving in Vizag.

9. Getting a duplicate driver's licence is a wee bit easier than planning a 30 day trek to Ladhak.

10. You should never carry more than 500 bucks whilst visiting Dilli Haat. Not accepting credit cards is the best anecdote to compulsive shopping binges.

11. Cancellation/rescheduling fees for Low Cost airlines is 750 bucks + the air ticket difference. Paying 40% of my Spice Jet return to

12. People 4 years my junior at school are balding. Scary. Sorry K.

13. My mum stole my TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD. She showed me the name written on the first page, my 10 year old scrawl on the second page didn't merit any attention. I grudgingly conceded defeat.

14. My baby sis paid 40 Euros for a real nice haircut which works out to about 6 haircuts in Indian currency.

In-flight blitzed through NO. 1 LADIES' DETECTIVE AGENCY (Alexander Smith) - sweet and imminently forgettable but I have yet to complete it. So much for the International Book of the Year. Ignored TENDER IS THE NIGHT (Fitzgerald) – perhaps later but the plot of a schizophrenic who ruins a marriage hits closer home than I imagined. In comparison Jap/Chinese/Korean authors are brilliant, have three lined back to back...currently reading THE GIRL WHO PLAYED GO (Shan Sa) that Anusha/Mom highly recommended. Also love Kazuo Ishiguro and Banana (Yup it's true) Yoshimoto not to mention a host of other confusing names. Other books on my current reading list include WAITING (Ha Jin) and COMFORT WOMAN...trying to squeeze in THE HUMAN STAIN as well. On a crappier note, my man in Petersburg canot dig out any of the Russian folktales (the illustrated books) - the one he did dig out did not feature gorgeous pictures and worse Baba Yaga. I will have to console myself playing with Matruskha dolls. No sign of Victor Dragunsky either. I miss the USSR publications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

ms mellow... u and the jolly were far more conscious of the childhood enmity between sakal and him... i truly was concentrating on the food, poopsie on the phonecall she just had to make... sakal was as cool as a cucumber... didn't mention a word about it - either then or later in any sort of conversation with me or us... i'm proud of my dear SAKI BOY!

Jay Sun said...

Nice to see you back :}

Anonymous said...

Always amused by your entires. After flying Northwest (which suck, suck, suck -now you have to PAY for peanuts on demestic flights!), I feel like royalty on all the Indian. Have fun in Delhi. Thanks for the book leads. Will look for Russian authors at my favorite used bookstore...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mellowdrama said...

Preets: So true, but then I was always the sensitive kind...muhahahah.

Jay: Thanks! Well, I guess I must amend that first entry, there are more than 3 ppl who read my blog

Shie: Lol!!! If you think Indian rocks the American domestic flights must be really frightful..whatcha you reading? Btw Finished all and GIRL WHO PLAYS GO and COMFORT WOMAN are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oz: Eloquent as ever:) ReplY!

Anonymous said...
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Varsha said...

I LOVED The No.1......and even the other books in that series

Lotus Reads said...

So glad you're back and that you're talking "books" again! Have missed your posts!