1. My Delhi stint is proving to be a whole lot more tiring than I bargained for. Been here for just 2 ½ days and I have broadened my horizons by learning -
- 2. More than 2 people stumble across my blog and one actually reads it and wants more, thanks Jumping Translocation
3. Jetlite serves food. I joyfully stowed away my apple and bikkis and gratefully embraced the kababs (or whatever it was masquerading as meat)
5. I disappeared off the face of the planet aged three. According to my baby book. Apparently writer's block runs in the family. I have my genes to blame.
7. Childhood enmities run deep. Jolly and Saks shared a table for the first time in a decade, we have Nirula's hot chocolate sundae (aka HCS) to thank for it. Unfortunately my hands were so clammy fiddling around with the peace pipe I didn’t do justice to the diminutive delight. Preets plowed on - oblivious to the charged atmosphere.
9. Getting a duplicate driver's licence is a wee bit easier than planning a 30 day trek to Ladhak.
11. Cancellation/rescheduling fees for Low Cost airlines is 750 bucks + the air ticket difference. Paying 40% of my Spice Jet return to reschedule..boo.
12. People 4 years my junior at school are balding. Scary. Sorry K.
13. My mum stole my TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD. She showed me the name written on the first page, my 10 year old scrawl on the second page didn't merit any attention. I grudgingly conceded defeat.
14. My baby sis paid 40 Euros for a real nice haircut which works out to about 6 haircuts in Indian currency.
In-flight blitzed through NO. 1 LADIES' DETECTIVE AGENCY (Alexander Smith) - sweet and imminently forgettable but I have yet to complete it. So much for the International Book of the Year. Ignored TENDER IS THE NIGHT (Fitzgerald) – perhaps later but the plot of a schizophrenic who ruins a marriage hits closer home than I imagined. In comparison Jap/Chinese/Korean authors are brilliant, have three lined back to back...currently reading THE GIRL WHO PLAYED GO (Shan Sa) that Anusha/Mom highly recommended. Also love Kazuo Ishiguro and Banana (Yup it's true) Yoshimoto not to mention a host of other confusing names. Other books on my current reading list include WAITING (Ha Jin) and COMFORT WOMAN...trying to squeeze in THE HUMAN STAIN as well. On a crappier note, my man in Petersburg canot dig out any of the Russian folktales (the illustrated books) - the one he did dig out did not feature gorgeous pictures and worse Baba Yaga. I will have to console myself playing with Matruskha dolls. No sign of Victor Dragunsky either. I miss the USSR publications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ms mellow... u and the jolly were far more conscious of the childhood enmity between sakal and him... i truly was concentrating on the food, poopsie on the phonecall she just had to make... sakal was as cool as a cucumber... didn't mention a word about it - either then or later in any sort of conversation with me or us... i'm proud of my dear SAKI BOY!
Nice to see you back :}
Always amused by your entires. After flying Northwest (which suck, suck, suck -now you have to PAY for peanuts on demestic flights!), I feel like royalty on all the Indian. Have fun in Delhi. Thanks for the book leads. Will look for Russian authors at my favorite used bookstore...
Preets: So true, but then I was always the sensitive kind...muhahahah.
Jay: Thanks! Well, I guess I must amend that first entry, there are more than 3 ppl who read my blog
Shie: Lol!!! If you think Indian rocks the American domestic flights must be really frightful..whatcha you reading? Btw Finished all and GIRL WHO PLAYS GO and COMFORT WOMAN are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oz: Eloquent as ever:) ReplY!
I LOVED The No.1......and even the other books in that series
So glad you're back and that you're talking "books" again! Have missed your posts!
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